Saturday, February 12, 2011


Last night Joseph's pharmacy fraternity had a "white trash bash"  at a bar downtown.  Joseph and I went to Walmart that afternoon and bought some really trashy things. This is the creation we came up with...

 Can you believe that I found these jeans brand new at Walmart.
 Sorry to disappoint ladies, but I bought the last pair.
We looked pretty awful. It was a lot of fun creating our outfits, but then we realized that we were going to have to go out in public, downtown Auburn on a Friday night. I began to have second thoughts, but we set aside our pride and went for it anyway. Once we got there we had a blast! We drank old crow whiskey and danced to spice girls and brittany spears. It was so much fun!


  1. I think you're a little too covered up to be true white trash! haha

    I like Joseph's jhorts! : )

  2. Cute! Looks like ya'll had fun. I don't think you could be truly trashy if you tried, but Joseph on the other hand looks like a natural! :) I kid, I kid.

  3. Britt- the JEANS, so very trashy. And Becca- it was so cold outside!!! haha notice joseph's bud light pj pants he found at walsmart and he wore them as "leggins"... haha

  4. ps-I refused to do my hair/makeup different in case we chickened out and wanted to go out as "normal"
